Alta Head Start Tops National Average in Assessment of Teacher-Child Interactions

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) is an observation instrument that assesses the quality of teacher-child interactions in center-based preschool classrooms. CLASS® includes three categories of teacher-child interactions that support children’s learning and development:

  • Emotional Support assesses the degree to which teachers establish and promote a positive climate in their classroom through their everyday interactions.
  • Classroom Organization assesses classroom routines and procedures related to the organization and management of children’s behavior, time and attention in the classroom.
  • Instructional Support assesses the ways in which teachers implement the curriculum to effectively promote cognitive and language development.

In all three of these categories, Alta Head Start scored higher than the national average in a recent CLASS® assessment — in some cases by a significant degree.

Below are the national averages in these three categories, and Alta’s recent scores:

Category National Average Alta Head Start Score
Emotional Support 6.00 6.68
Classroom Organization 5.73 6.24
Instructional Support 2.83 5.01


Congratulations to our Alta Head Start teachers! We’re very proud of you, and grateful for the dedication you bring to your work every day.